Saturday, July 12, 2008

Evolution is Dead!

I've just finished reading the book "Case For A Creator" by Lee Strobel. I've read his work before in "The Case For Christ" and was totally impressed how he made the "case" for the validity of the Christian Faith as he laid it out with hopnesty and investigative scrutiny. Lee's story is interesting, as he was a journalist and Lawyer who was also an adamant atheist. When his wife became a Christian, he was dead set on deflating her faith by anilyzing the Bible, it's claims and it's implications under a microscope of research, expert interviews, and exhaustive check-ups. What Lee didn't expect to find, was that not only did the Bible, and this "Jesus" of whom it spake has evidence to support it as true, but that it had overwhelming evidence to support it as being true! and relevant, and interesting, and challenging to say the least.

In his Case For a Creator book, Lee interviews some of the worlds foremost experts from a broad spectrum of the scientific disciplines including; cosmology, astronomy, chemistry, philosophy, molecular bio-chemistry, quantum physics and geology. As I read the facts laid out, I was awestruck in the audacity of "evolutionists" as they cling onto the fairytale of "random selection" to reinforce their naturalistic "religion" I mean, as a Bible believing Christian for 12 years, I knew evolution was bunk, but I didn't know it was that bunk!

I encourage you to take the time to watch these links to youtube..they are exerpts from a documentary based on this book...And be and science can co-exist. can still be a Christian without leaving your brain at the door...
